HolidayDOG Terms and Conditions

Thank you for using our pet-friendly accommodation listing website ("HolidayDOG"). By using HolidayDOG, you agree to the following terms and conditions. 

Property Listings

All property listings on the Website must be pet-friendly.
Users of the Website who advertise accommodation must provide accurate descriptions of their properties.
Accommodation providers must update their listings accordingly and ensure that the information on their listing is up-to-date, including but not limited to the property name, address, description, pricing, and availability.
The Website retains the right to refuse any property listing deemed inappropriate, misleading, or is not pet-friendly.


Any booking made through the Website is between the accommodation provider and the guest.
Should guests book accommodation through the Website, such bookings shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant accommodation provider.
The Website is not liable for any disputes that may arise between the accommodation provider and the guest.
It is the responsibility of the accommodation provider to provide accurate and up-to-date pricing information on the Website, which includes their pricing and terms and conditions.

Payments and Refunds

Accommodation providers must provide accurate pricing information on the Website.
Payment methods for bookings and refund policies are determined by the accommodation provider.
The Website is not liable for any non-payment by a guest or non-refund by the accommodation provider. Deposit amounts are the sole discretion of the accommodation provider.


Cancellation policies are determined by the accommodation provider.
Any disputes arising from cancellations must be resolved between the accommodation provider and the guest.


The Website is not liable for any:
damage, loss, or injury, to both guests or accommodation providers, that may occur during a guest's stay at an accommodation provider's property;
actions or behaviors of pets staying at an accommodation provider's property;
damage caused by a pet or guest staying at an accommodation provider's property.


The Website is not responsible for any content submitted by users of the Website.
Users of the Website must not submit any content that is offensive, defamatory, or in any way breaches the rights of any person or entity.


Information collected from users of the Website will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


The Website retains the right to terminate any user's access to the Website for any reason.
The Website retains the right to terminate any accommodation provider's listing on the Website for any reason.


These terms and conditions are subject to the laws of South Africa.
The Website retains the right to update these terms and conditions at any time.
By continuing to use the Website, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, as updated from time to time.